Overseers Accounts: Jan 1805

Great Waldingfield Parish

Money to Reason  Amount
 1 Jan Alston Shoes Mended
Thos Sergents two Children a pair of shoes each
Jno Foskew a shirt
John Andrews A Duffle Waiscoat
J Bown’s Wife A shift
Robert Parmenter Bag & Rug
John Foscue A Slop(?)
Thomas Halls A shirt
Robt Peggs  1s
Boldrio’s Wife  1s
Thos Nise  2s 6d
 2 Thos King No work  1s
Paid Robert Peggs being from Dec 4th to Jan 1st  2s
 3 Pain of Melford  2s 6d
Thos Nice  1s
John Fosker  1s
Sam Sergent No work  2s
James Elliston  2s
Jauts boy No work  1s
For going to Lavenham  2s
 4 James Fosker No work  1s
For making of 2 rates one in Oct last and sining of them  6s
Expenses  4s
Gilbert Elliston senar ill  2s
 5 Jno Fosker senar  1s
Paid for Gallants wife’s Shoes  2s 6d
Paid for Alstons children’s Shoes  2s 6d
Peggs boy  6d
Paid for looking after Gilbert Elliston senar  1s
Gaut  1s
Paid for Girl Olley one week  2s 11d
James Bowers Child ill  6d
Thos King  2s 6d
John Boldrio  1s
An Cook  6d
Girl Fosker  6d
 6 Thomas Halls  1s 6d
Edward Slack  1s
Robert Day  1s
Baldry No work  2s
Nice Paid a Quarters rent  12s 6d
Expenses for going to Sudbury after porter  4s
 8 Nice Carting of Goods  5s
Gilbert Elliston senar  1s
Jno Fosker  1s
Arthy Digens Wife ill  1s
 9 John Baldry Wife ill and no work  2s
 10 Gilbert Elliston senar  2s
King’s daughter ill  6d
The boy Gaut No work  6d
James Elliston  1s 6d
Matthew Mays  1s 6d
Robt Peggs ill  1s
Sam Sergent No work  1s
 11 Girl Olley Pair of shoes  5s 6d
Widow Boreham A new coverlet
Nice Family 3 and a half yards of hampfor Nices family in the workhouse
Gilbert Elliston senar For sitter up with him and nurse  4s
James Bowers Child ill  6d
John Fosker  1s 6d
An Cook  6d
Thos King  1s 6d
Deb Norfolk ill  1s 6d
Widow Pottle  6d
John Baldry Wife ill  1s 6d
For Girl Fosker  6d
Thos Halls  1s 6d
 13 Gallant’s children Shoes  8s 6d
Fenner New leather jacket & trousers
John King, Sudbury  8s 6d
 14 Old Gilbert Elliston Bushel of Coal  1s 8d
Shroud  4s 6d
Thos King No work  1s
For going to Lavenham & removal of Nise  2s
Sergents Bill  £11 9s
Jno Porter’s wife ill  1s
Robt Peggs  1s
Ted Stack No work  1s
Nice Bread & Wood  2s 5d
 16 Thomas Sergent’s girls Shoes  4s 10d
 17 Jno Fosker  1s
Baldry’s wife ill  1s
Paid for nurse  2s
Paid for laying forth  4s
 18 Pains Family & Widow Hanald Lorkings Bill  £6 7s 6d
Arthy Digens  1s
 19 Gaut’s boy No work  1s
Paid for Girl Olley 1 week  2s 9d
Thos Elliston’s wife ill  1s
An Cook  6d
John Sergent’s Wife  6d