Critchley Family


John William Critchley and Edith Elizabeth Woodward were my maternal grandparents. They married 2 August 1903 and had  9 children.

Jack (1904- ), Edith (1906-1999), Elizabeth (1908-1995), Margaret (1910-1979), Thomas (1912- ), Alice (1914-2001), Mary (1916- ), James Edward (1919-1977), Anne (1922-1972)

Direct Ancestors Place of Birth Life Dates Married
William Critchley Lancashire 1728 Hannah Unknown
James Critchley Burtonwood: Lancs 1759-1832 Susanna Walton
William Critchley Sutton: St Helens 1795-1881 Elizabeth Shuttleworth
Thomas Critchley St Helens: Lancashire 1834-1902 Ann Saggerson
John William Critchley St Helens: Lancashire 1873-1933 Edith Elizabeth Woodward
Elizabeth Critchley St Helens: Lancashire 1908-1995 Harry Norman Gent

John William died in 1933, although his wife Edith died much later in 1971. They lived in Burtonhead Road and then Leslie Road, St Helens

Associated Surnames

 Appleton  Formby  Kenny  Shuttleworth
 Aspinwall  Foster  Large  Smedley
 Barnes  Gent  Mather  Stinton
 Barrow  Greenall  Mitchell  Stoner
 Bate  Gregson  Peach  Walton
 Cadman  Harcombe  Pickervance  Watkin
 Chadwick  Hodgson  Platt  Webster
 Dagnall  Holden  Riley  Williams
 Davies  Hurst  Robinson  Woodward
 Dix  Jarvis  Saggarson  Walton